Confused about Low FODMAP diet?
The Low FODMAP diet is an evidence-based diet therapy that has been shown to help manage symptoms in 50-70% of those who suffer from IBS. The Low FODMAP diet has also been used for those with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), celiac disease, chronic diarrhea, chronic constipation, reflux, and many other gastrointestinal conditions. I’m the Diarrhea Dietitian and have been teaching the Low FODMAP diet for over 14 years.
FODMAP is an acronym:
There are three phases of the diet:
- A 2-6 week elimination diet where high FODMAP foods are removed from the diet.
- Systematic reintroduction of FODMAPs to determine personal tolerance levels.
- Long term personalization of FODMAP intake (and periodic re-challenging of problematic foods) with overall goal of consuming as varied a diet as possible.
Dietitians can provide personalized diet education to help patients navigate this intricate diet. Two things you may not know: you cannot guess the FODMAP level in foods. Monash University in Australia has an app that is updated as new foods are tested. Secondly, quantity of FODMAP intake is very important. For example, a 1/2 of an avocado is high in FODMAP, while an 1/8 of an avocado is an acceptable portion size.
Get started on the Low FODMAP diet with this handy reference list of websites, resources, and links for websites and product ideas.
You may be interested in other resources in my store:
- Low FODMAP Pantry Choices
- FODMAP Reintroduction
- Expanding FODMAP Reintroduction
- Low FODMAP Brand Name Foods
- Low FODMAP Dorm
- Low FODMAP Fueling for Exercise
- FODMAP Enzymes
- Boosting Breakfast Protein Low FODMAP (free)
- Weekly GI Journal (free)
- Tips for Acute Diarrhea Low FODMAP (free)
- FODMAP Beverages (free)
- Low FODMAP Vegan
- FODMAP Gentle
- Low FODMAP Pureed Food Pouches