Following a Low FODMAP diet is tough. Eating Low FODMAP diet while going to college and eating in the cafeteria is even more challenging.
This handout will make it easier! Provide a copy to the foodservice staff or director so they know which foods will be best for you. Also included are ideas for dorm room staples and useful appliances.
You may be interested in other resources in my store:
- FODMAP Elimination Diet
- Low FODMAP Pantry Choices
- FODMAP Reintroduction
- Expanding FODMAP Reintroduction
- Low FODMAP Brand Name Foods
- Low FODMAP Fueling for Exercise
- FODMAP Enzymes
- Boosting Breakfast Protein Low FODMAP (free)
- Weekly GI Journal (free)
- Tips for Acute Diarrhea Low FODMAP (free)
- FODMAP Beverages (free)
- Low FODMAP Vegan
- FODMAP Gentle
- Low FODMAP Pureed Food Pouches