You finished the FODMAP Reintroduction, and now know what FODMAP subtypes are likely to cause digestive symptoms. Or, you tolerated the test food in a certain category. What other foods might be in that same group? This handout can help.
Use this two page visual guide that shows common foods that contain single FODMAPS and which foods contain multiple FODMAPS. Foods are listed by category. If they contain additional FODMAPs, they will have a symbol to indicate which type.
You may be interested in other resources in my store:
- FODMAP Elimination Diet
- Low FODMAP Pantry Choices
- FODMAP Reintroduction
- Expanding FODMAP Reintroduction
- Low FODMAP Brand Name Foods
- Low FODMAP Dorm
- Low FODMAP Fueling for Exercise
- FODMAP Enzymes
- Boosting Breakfast Protein Low FODMAP (free)
- Weekly GI Journal (free)
- Tips for Acute Diarrhea Low FODMAP (free)
- FODMAP Beverages (free)
- Low FODMAP Vegan
- FODMAP Gentle
- Low FODMAP Pureed Food Pouches