It's been several months since my last marathon, but I wanted to provide a race recap for those interested in how it went.Saturday, November …
Have diarrhea? I can relate
Gluten Free Eating in Ecuador for Six Weeks: The Diarrhea Dietitian’s Experience
Our family recently returned from a six week adventure to Ecuador. I thought it would be simple to eat gluten-free (GF) in Ecuador, but it …
Celiac Disease: The Diarrhea Dietitian’s Peaks and Pitfalls Since Diagnosis
It's been 17 months since a biopsy confirmed my celiac disease (CD) in June 2016. Shortly after, my son was diagnosed in August, then my …
My IBS Story
April is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Awareness Month. I'm supporting Kate Scarlata's #IBelieveinyourStory campaign to increase IBS …
It’s My Turn to be the Patient! Celiac Disease Awareness Month 2016
May is Celiac Disease Awareness Month. Ironically, I'm getting tested for celiac on May 31st. Running... Out of Energy Here's the back …
What has the Diarrhea Dietitian been up to lately?
It's funny, this year I will celebrate 20 years of being a registered dietitian. Yet medicine, especially in the area of gut health, is …
Have you ever heard anyone talk about DIARRHEA on the radio?
For years, I have lamented how no one ever says the word DIARRHEA on the radio or tv. If millions of people suffer from chronic diarrhea, …
Ironic Diarrhea
It's ironic... I'm about to leave for the national dietitian's conference to market my book. And I had bad diarrhea today. You know what …
When you like a food, but it doesn’t like YOU.
As I was having diarrhea the other day (sorry if this is TMI), a phrase I tell my patients went thru my mind, I like corn, but corn doesn't …